join the movement
make a donation
1) Building zero waste models (zero waste communities, zero waste schools, zero waste offices, etc.).
2) Raising awareness on sustainable solid waste management (providing analysis of good solutions vs. failed solutions).
3) Enhancing capacity of alliance members to implement zero waste practices.
4) Advocating for zero waste policies.

VZWA offers the following benefits to its members:
2) Continuing education opportunities: invitations to events and trainings.
3) Access to information: inclusion on email list serve and Facebook page with opportunities to participate in joint actions and activities
4) [Applies to core members] Access to funding for zero waste projects.
Organizations and individuals can apply to join VZWA if you meet the following criteria:
1) You have one year or more of experience working on waste or a relevant topic.
2) You agree with the VZWA vision and mission; there are no fundamental contradictions between your own vision and mission and that of VZWA (note: for this reason, incinerator, waste-to-energy, and landfill companies cannot join VZWA).
3) [Applies to organizations] You are a civic organization, enterprise, academic institution, etc. that operates on a professional basis (note: student associations cannot joint VZWA); and
4) [Applies to individuals] You have no current organizational affiliation relevant to waste, but you have helpful expertise to offer the VZWA and its members.
In order to join Vietnam Zero Waste Alliance, individuals and organizations have to go throught all these four steps:
Step 1: Screening process
Prospective member reviews the VZWA membership policy.
Step 2: Fill in the application
Inform VZWA coordinator and Fill out the application form
Step 3: Be patient
Await as we call your references and vote on your membership
Step 4: Welcome aboard!
If no core members oppose your prospective membership, you are then invited to join as a regular member. You may be invited to upgrade to core member at a later time.
Step 5: Participate & pay your annual membership fee
Members pay a sliding scale fee to participate in VZWA. Exceptions can be made in cases of inability to pay.
We welcome students and community members to serve internships with us!
Fill out an application form here: