30 Day Plastic Free Challenge with VZWA

30 Day Plastic Free Challenge with VZWA

Plastic Free July is a global movement that helps millions of people become an important part of solutions to reduce plastic pollution – simple examples can be seen as cleaning the streets, the sea, making the community more beautiful. This is a month-long campaign to educate people about the potential dangers of plastic to us, and July say no to plastic is a campaign to offer one-month plastic-free challenges. 

This is a movement that has inspired more than 100 million people in 190 countries, with the message: One small change can make a big difference in the community. And through this plastic-free July, hopefully can help the community navigate and find better alternatives to become a good daily habit. 

Currently, plastic pollution is a threat to both the environment and human health. According to a United Nations report, each year the world releases about 300 million tons of plastic waste into the environment, of which Vietnam generates 1.8 million tons. Waste comes from many different sources such as plastic waste from daily life, industrial activities, healthcare, tourism, services, entertainment or even schools. In particular, people’s habit of using single-use plastics is causing the amount of waste to increase exponentially, it is easy to find plastic items such as cups, spoons, bowls, bags… with very cheap prices, easy to find, convenient but makes many people become dependent and use them out of control. 

Plastic waste can cause harm to the environment and animals such as changing the physical, chemical and biological properties of water sources, making soil degraded, causing soil erosion, affecting plants, or far away. rather than affecting the climate. Plastic trash floating in the sea becomes the daily food of marine life, leading to 1.5 million animals dying at sea from plastic poisoning. More dangerously, plastic waste also has very bad effects on human health, specifically harmful substances generated from the decomposition of some types of plastic waste, which are dangerous to fetuses and children. small, or plastic waste is polluting water, air and affecting the growth and development of animals and plants, affecting human health through eating, breathing, etc.

It can be seen that plastic pollution is a long-standing problem that is often overlooked. Although people are aware of the plastic pollution problem, they are still not ready to change their behavior. 

Understanding the situation, the Vietnam Zero Waste Alliance, with the support of GAIA, launched the 30-Day Plastic-Free Challenge with VZWA, taking place from July 1 to August 10, 2022.

1. Objectives:

  • Raising public awareness about plastic and its impact on the environment, people, and animals;
  • Raising public awareness of the importance of reducing plastic and daily plastic waste;
  • Practicing a plastic-free lifestyle and spreading the plastic-free lifestyle more widely in the community.

2. How to submit?

The 30-Day Plastic-Free Challenge with VZWA encourages Facebook users to create one-minute videos depicting one or more daily activities without using single-use plastic/plastics to promote a healthy, zero-use lifestyle. use plastic, and limit the disposal of hazardous plastic waste into the environment. 


a. Step 1: Create content and finalize the video with appropriate content

b. Step 2: Upload the video to the Reels function of the Facebook platform with captions with viral content and call for plastic-free practice. 

***Note: Requirements: 

  • Caption needs to tag 03 friends’ names and include the following hashtags: #30Day_PlasticFree_Challenge #GAIA #VZWA #July2022

c. Step 3: In order to legalize the participation of players, please send an email to vietnamzerowastalliance@gmail.com with the following contents:

  • Subject: [30Day_PlasticFree_Challenge] + Full name 
  • Email content:

-Personal information: Full name, Phone number, Address, Facebook link 

-A short paragraph describing the video and its purpose of going viral;

-Attach the video;

-Screenshot demonstrating that you have uploaded the contest video on your reel;

-Screenshot proving that you liked Fanpage ( https://www.facebook.com/LienminhKhongracVietNam )

d. Step 4: Call for like, reaction, and share reel

3. Estimated timeline: 

  • Deadline for submission and posting of reels: 01 – 31/07/2022
  • Scoring: August 1 – 3, 2022
  • Prize announcement: August 10, 2022

4. Point structure:

-Points awarded by the Judges: 70% of the total score

-Facebook voting score: 30% of the total score

  • Like/Reaction: 01 point
  • Shares: 02 points

5. Prize structure:

  • 01 First Prize: 2.700.000 cash + 01 gift from BTC + 01 certificate
  • 02 Prizes: 1,800,000 cash + 01 gift from BTC + 01 certificate
  • 03 Third Prize: 900,000 cash + 01 gift from BTC + 01 certificate
  • 01 Favorite Prize: 900,000 cash + 01 gift from BTC + 01 certificate

6. Contact:

For more information, please contact via email: vietnamzerowastealliance@gmail.com or phone number: 0902991268 (Ms. Tuyen)